I don’t understand Apple Music. They’ve released this new collection of the 100 Best Albums of All Time and it’s a website? Why can’t I look at this in the Apple Music app?
I don’t understand Apple Music. They’ve released this new collection of the 100 Best Albums of All Time and it’s a website? Why can’t I look at this in the Apple Music app?
Sad to read Steve Albini died on Tuesday.
I wish there were a way to tell Apple Music to always prefer songs from the non-deluxe version of an album.
I came to my local Indian restaurant thinking I hadn’t been this week only to remember when I checked in with Swarm that I was here on Tuesday.
Every time I try to create a shortcut for something on iOS I inevitably find it’s not possible. I wanted a shortcut that would open a URL in a private browser tab. Nope, can’t do it.
I desperately want to see Tenet in a theatre. I see Warner Bros did a re-release in the U.S. back in February. I wish a similar thing had happened in Japan.
Not sure if this is actually what’s happened but it feels as if the previews of posts on Bluesky are showing up much better in Signal recently.
I fried some rashers of bacon for the family as my wife was giving the kids a shower and then, while I waited, I ate them all. (The bacon, not the kids.)
And so Safari on my iPhone has decided that the favicon for GitHub is the ESPN favicon for some reason.
I’ve just organised some files in Google Drive into folders. Maybe it’s because it’s what I grew up with but what a great metaphor. (Is it a metaphor?)
I forgot that application.garden hasn’t opened yet and spent an embarrassingly long time trying to work out why I couldn’t initiate a project like it said in the documentation.
Obviously when compared to more egregious conduct this is small beer but why can Apple’s apps add things to Safari’s Reading List without prompting but I have to confirm every time I want to do that in NetNewsWire?
Is the consensus still that autocorrect improved in iOS 17? I’d perhaps say it’s slightly better than it was before but still a lot of head scratching errors.