Weeknotes #239

in weeknotes

  • Eri took Emma to see Inside Out 2 in Japanese on Saturday and I took John with me to ride the Narita Express with Rowan. Trains aren’t really John’s thing so we went to Tokyo Station via Asobono. That’s the indoor playground I took Emma and John to back in April (has it been that long?). I wasn’t sure how Rowan would fare given he can be territorial but it all went surprisingly smoothly. So much so, in fact, that when Rowan asked if we could go again, I told him we might be able to go back on Monday with everyone.

  • I’m burying the lede as they say because the big news of the week was weighing myself on Friday evening to see that my weight was below 65kg. I don’t actually want to be 64 but 65 was my semi-arbitrary goal when I started the diet back in May and it feels great to have reached it. I still haven’t quite worked out the diet I want to move to, so far it’s mostly consisted of eating the occasional lunch with longer fasts when my weight heads back up to 66 or 67.

  • I still haven’t got back into exercising so that hasn’t gone anywhere near as well. Maybe next week.

  • My Japanese has similarly stalled out. I know I need to spend time on it but I’m finding it difficult to marshal my self-motivation.

  • I’ve done a better job working on programming projects. Annoyed at how Homebrew packages up Janet, I set out to remedy that and, after a crash course in how the Homebrew maintainers want code to be submitted, I finally landed an update to the current formula. The Janet libraries and binaries you install with JPM now persist between upgrades of the Janet runtime. How many people does this matter to? I’d honestly be surprised if it’s in double digits but I’m one of those single digits so I’m glad!

  • I could have sworn that I’d written at sometime in the past year that it seems inevitable to me that humans will turn to a large-scale geoengineering project to ameliorate the worst impacts of global warming. Well, apparently I haven’t, which is a shame because now I missed the opportunity to smugly link to some old update before then linking to this story from the New York Times.

  • A couple of weeks ago, I watched pseudonymous YouTuber Big Joel’s two-hour and twenty-minute dissection of Netflix’s Avatar. This was objectively a silly thing to do but perhaps because of it, it occurred to me to start watching the original show with Emma and John. I’ve read a lot of praise for the show and I figured it might be something age-appropriate for an 8-year-old and a 7-year-old. We’ve taken to watching an episode a night and so far, it’s working out as I’d hoped. They seem like they’re exactly the right age for it; every line of dialogue that I internally groan about, they think is the funniest thing in the world. My ‘hot take’ after a handful of episodes is that this is the most overrated kids’ cartoon of all time. But it’s a kids cartoon I plan to keep watching so it’s not awful by any stretch of the imagination.

  • Mansionair’s 2015 earworm ‘Hold Me Down’ came up the other day and I was shocked I didn’t have it in my library already (Apple Music). This has been remedied.

Michael Camilleri inqk.net