Weeknotes #235

in weeknotes

  • On Saturday in the U.S., Thomas Matthew Crooks attempted to assassinate Donald Trump (ABC News). Crooks failed but, as of this writing, did kill one bystander. I’ve mostly tried to avoid news about the U.S. election but this felt significant enough that it warranted a mention.

  • Saturday was also Emma’s last day at Yoyogi Chapters. I had hoped I might be able to get lunch with one of the fathers afterward but didn’t take the time to suggest that in advance and then, by the time I’d finished receiving the final teacher feedback as the parent liaison, he’d left. Silly mistake by me.

  • Since we finished at 11 for once (John’s class was after Emma’s and didn’t finish until 12.15), Emma and I had some time to kill before lunch. Usually, I take the kids to MOS Burger on the way home after Yoyogi Chapters but with a bit more time to play with, I took opportunity to walk with Emma over to the MOS Premium in Sendagaya. I last went there in 2019 and found it interesting enough. Turns out, not such a great idea with an 8-year-old. They weren’t serving ordinary MOS burgers and what they did have was too extravagant for Emma. I ended up ordering a chili con carne salad (which was quite good) and two sides, afraid that they wouldn’t be that large. Reader, they were a meal in and of themselves and so then I found myself eating the salad as well as a fish and chips while Emma did her best with the fried chicken.

  • After jumping up to 68.2 after all that food, I fasted from Saturday evening until dinner on Sunday night and my weight was back down 67.4. This coming week might be the first time I get into the 65s!

  • I continued working on my Janet client for the Conjure plugin. I’ve got the client and the Janet ‘server’ sending encoded messages back and forth. Of course, rather than keep pushing that forward, I took a detour to change the way the tuple data structure works in Janet. That’s potentially a breaking change for some codebases so I wouldn’t be surprised if the creator of Janet rejects any proposal along those lines.

  • Trakt tells me this happened back on 3 July but I’ve neglected to mention until now that I finally got through the Seinfeld finale. So finishes my first truly complete watch-through of the show. My main observations: (1) the show doesn’t hit its stride until season 3; (2) the show had numerous callbacks to previous episodes that, especially on a binge watch, make it feel like an ongoing story much more than I remembered; (3) the show definitely becomes wackier once Larry David leaves (and the story arcs end); and (4) you really feel them running out of steam by the end of season 9.

  • In case you’ve found yourself wondering what the Japanese manga JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is and why you should care about it (perhaps just me), the pseudonymous Matttt has an 18-minute video essay that’ll bring you up to speed.

  • OneRepublic’s ‘I Ain’t Worried’ from their recently released Artificial Paradise isn’t exactly an amazing earworm but it’s catchy enough that I’ve listened to it a few times this week (Apple Music).

Michael Camilleri inqk.net