Weeknotes #36

in weeknotes

  • I turned 38. Eri organised a small cake and the kids made hand-drawn birthday cards. I had to go into the office during the day so I, of course, took the opportunity to grab lunch at Mos Burger.

  • In what looks like a desperate attempt to avoid actually releasing Flext, I began a completely new project. Ecstatic is a static site website generator in Janet. It’s been a while since I did anything in Janet and it was fun to be writing in a Lisp again. It doesn’t quite work yet but it’s mostly there, I think.

  • I got an e-mail from Pinboard, the bookmarking service that I use, notifying me that my subscription needs to be renewed by early next month. I was disappointed to see that the annual fee for the service has increased from the $25 it was last year to $39 this year. While the overall service generally works fine, when I’ve needed to e-mail support, I’ve been consistently disappointed. Often the initial e-mail is never answered at all. That’s not the kind of service that puts you in a good mood for a 50% year-on-year price jump. I’m a long-time fan of the site’s operator, Maciej Ceglowski, so perhaps thinking of this as a charitable donation is the best approach. Or maybe that’s another side project into which I could lose myself.

  • I upgraded to iOS 14 and am finding the new photos widget you can put on the home screen an absolute delight. I didn’t think I was going to try the widgets out at all, but after Brandon told me it was his favourite feature, I gave it a shot and surprised myself with how much I liked it.

  • After finally finishing Cowboy Bebop after starting it several times, Eri and I moved on to another anime series I’ve started on multiple occasions but never finished, Lovely Complex (Wikipedia). The show is set in the city of Sakai which is particularly resonant for me because that’s where I worked when I was on the Japan Exchange and Teaching Programme (Wikipedia).

  • After not watching much of this NBA season (and wondering whether I should even be paying for NBA League Pass), I’ve really enjoyed the playoffs this year. The series between the Los Angeles Clippers and the Denver Nuggets was especially great. While I wanted a Clippers/Lakers Western Conference Finals, watching the Nuggets claw their way back and eventually triumph was great theatre.

  • I listened to Kinobe’s ‘Slip Into Something More Comfortable’ (Apple Music) for the first time in what may have been more than a decade.

Michael Camilleri inqk.net